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OMG love it !! it's a bit hard to get used to the manipulation, but once you get it, it's easy to have fun pollinating. Also I laughed a lot (my friends too), the sound design is amazing. Thank you !

🐝 Thanks! Hahaha thanks the sounds made me laugh as well.

Thanks for the feedback on the controls, I definitely am looking at improving them. Would you mind letting me know what specifically you found hard at first? Please feel free to be honest. Thanks!🐝

sure ! I had a hard time understanding I had to press space to go forward. I naturally wanted to press w, and maybe use other keys to go up and down ! 


I second this comment!


Love the atmosphere, and really interesting camera movement.

🐝 Thanks!

By interesting do you mean annoying? Feel free to be honest. Thanks.

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No, took some getting used to, but it was generally interesting, never seen a camera movement like that before. Can't tell if I like it or not but I certainly don't hate it

Ah gotcha, thank you!


Amazing game! Graphics, sound,  and gameplay are great. The controls may need some work, but overall a very good submission.

🐝 Thanks!

Thanks for the feedback on the controls. I totally feel that too. Lol I spent the majority of my time on the controls and I still don't like them. The game started out as the bee flying like a clumsy helicopter, but its come along way since then haha. Would you mind telling me know what specific issue you had with the controls? I'm thinking making "W" and "S" up and down rather than forward and reverse is one.
Thanks again :)


This game is unbeelivable. it gave me quite a buzz playing it beecause of the beeutiful graphics.

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🐝mazing! Thanks